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Simple Seed Crackers

Simple Seed Crackers

You will love this recipe I promise! It has been years since I came across this recipe on the internet and though there are lots of different seed crackers recipes on the internet these days, this...

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Oat Squares

Oat Squares

I've been meaning to share this recipe with you all for ages. It's one I came across months ago on the lovely Pippa Kendrick's website The Intolerant Gourmet. I've been making these delicious oat...

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Homemade Cashew-Walnut Nutbutter

Homemade Cashew-Walnut Nutbutter

Things have been a little quite here, I must admit. AND I've been feeling guilty about it too. A whole month and nothing written or posted. My aim is to keep it to at least one post every second...

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